Thursday, November 19, 2009

Lonely, Mister.

The sky of your world is full of clouds suddenly. No more sunlight, and the winds start to blow. You're the only one in a wide place like desert. The darkness is going to make you down. Then, you feel so lonely. My world has no more sunlight, darkness is the only thing that I could feel. I feel so lonely. I don't know why.

Something has made me down. I wish I could know what is that, but I don't Everything seems so wrong. What happen to me? Am I being myself? I felt that I live for others. Please, I couldn't stand it. For these 18 years, I really can't read myself. What I actually want? I don't know. I want good future? Or good job? Or just some sweet sweet things. For the past few years, I'm getting to know, what is reality. Is this real life? I hope the answer is 'no'.

May I just lie on a wide grass field, and do nothing? I'm sick of the reality in my life. However, I can do nothing! The only thing that I do, is to wake myself up!

I can't be the selfish one. I have to do my best, to against the darkness. I have to stand up! I know it's hard, but there are family and friends with me, isn't it?

Yes! I know I can do it, no matter what happen! Darkness is not scary, the scariest one is the emptiness of our hearts. We have to be happy all the time. Think positively and smile always. Your world will never be dark anymore. I knew you can do it, my friends! =)

No matter if the sun don't shine
Or if the skies are blue
No matter what the end is
My life began with you

'No Matter What by Boyzone.'

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