Sunday, June 23, 2013

Everything has proved me.

I was told that it wasn't my fault, it is their loss for being fool. But how can I treat my friends as fools?

You wouldn't believe the thing unless you experienced it. Yeah, that's true. The experiences these few days is unforgettable. It is just like a big hand slapped at my face very hard.

And now, I'm awaken. Awake from the dream, from the most stupid dream of being such a fool like me.

People come and go in my life. That's absolutely normal. But please don't teach me in that way.

I have learnt my lesson. I hope that wasn't too late.

People asks me smile, I tell them "till my heart does".

Hey! Don't blame on me for the changes as I wasn't the first one who started it.

Things will change, so do I.

A little hope, perhaps?

Well, I wait for it.

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