Wednesday, April 06, 2011

World; Country; Home

How much do you know about your world, your country and your home?

The world,
is sick already. SARS infection over the world; AH1N1 virus; Libya's internal war; Japan's earthquake and tsunami and so on. What can really be done by human? Does a man power high enough to over come all these problems?

My country, Malaysia,
is going to have election soon. Well, no comment for this section. I'm not from any political party and I'm still underage for this.

My home,
is good! I have found out my sister is going to graduate from her degree level with another 2 semesters more. Wow, I'm going to finish my diploma level after 2 semesters as well.
I have one thing here which is purely for sharing with you guys, my house have rat! Trying catch him/her, I hope the rat will never appear in my house anymore, please!

This post is just for sharing. ^^ Thanks reading such a boring post.

p/s: I don't even know the reason I write this post.

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